Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Song of Redemption

There is a sweet melody that rings eternal in the heart of man.
A call to love, for which only his spirit understands.
It seems as though the melody is lost, behind the
walls of the human intellect and worldly progress at great cost.

So many search feverishly for that sound from home, only to find
Another lonely road to roam.
Seeking and never finding what satisfies the heart; Their sights are
set on the horizons of life, never looking at the “now” that is within
where salvation starts.

Based on the past one’s thoughts plan the future, never realizing that
Jesus has erased it all.
The cloud of sin and all past deeds, all washed away by His blood;
Eternally erasing the contamination of man through Adam’s fall.

If only one would listen to His Words of Faith that bring eternal life,
a new creature will be born free of sin and strife.
The words of heaven’s melody sing praises of joy; Oh, how the heart
Longs to be free, to sing the melody from the heart of the Lord.

God’s only Son, the light of the world, whose great love righted
Man’s wrongs. He wrote the Song of Redemption, God’s eternal song.

Your senses can’t feel it, or hear it; it is a song for the spirit, a call
from God’s heavenly voice. The words are life; the melody soothes
the soul; played on heavenly instruments while angelic hosts rejoice.

Oh, what is there to fear in knowing the great love awaiting in His
embrace, for it is your destiny, and it is by grace through faith.
The fear of redemption is but an illusion, crafted by satan who is
the father of lies. In him is no truth, no reality, only turmoil and strife.

In and through Jesus was all things made, from the unseen to the
seen. He chose you before you were born, to be a blessing to others,
close and afar. Fulfilling your purpose, bringing His love to mankind,
and much, much more.

The call is clear to those who will listen, to the loving Father who is
calling from the light. The Song of Redemption is always near, softly
playing, the chords of salvation, the melody of eternal life.  Listen with
your heart, your spiritual vision, learn of the Lord and His ways, for
He is calling you to come to Him, to His great love, today.

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